Saturday, August 8, 2009

Too Long, Too Much

So I realize that I have not been keeping up with writing on here. To tell the truth I haven't had the time. For those of you who don't know, (I suppose that would mean I am assuming more than a few people read this) I am working at Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival this summer. The Berkshires are beautiful, even if it does rain A LOT. Though the rain has slowed now, it's gotten warmer.

So, if anyone really wants a more in-depth explanation of my time here other than what I am about to vaguely list here, let me know. But there is far too much to type.

Things I have learned at JPDF:
-staying up until 3am is normal
-beer pong tables should be covered in marley and spiked (with their own Source 4 complete w/party gel)...and played in the shop.
-even though companies speak a different language, everyone speaks dance
-dancers like their monitors....LOUD
-running a sound board outdoors from a shack in the woods can be fun
-beware of bears they like to hang out by the dumpsters! (bear hunts '09)
-how to speak Slovene: Zella Dobra Golstilna = super awesome bar
-that when doing theatre in a barn, nothing goes the way you want it to
-friends and a movie make everything better
-slip & slide on inside/out stage makes everyone sore
-jumping into a quarry from 40ft up will also make you sore
-slowing down too fast in a pontoon will make you sink
-driving back from NYC at 3 in the morning is not a good plan
-anything can happen when foreigners and alcohol combine

Favorite quotes as of now:
-"Perfect is good enough." -Leo (props from Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal)
-"Can I talk to you for a minute?!" -Mikey
-"Too much? Too soon? I thought we were friends." -Mikey
-"Who threw that motha fuckin ham at me!?"
-"Where's my CORONA? None of that light shit." -Amanda
-"I do what I want."
-"Wait, what is rice made out of?" "FUJI! You're asian!"
-"I, I just admire you." -Tao
-"If it doesn't fit, push harder." -Erik
-"One team one dream, for reals this time." -Fuji

That will be all for now, there's only about a month left, and I haven't even made a dent in all that has happened this summer. Have a good one kids.

1 comment:

  1. HA! i had bruises for weeks from slip and slide at I/O. granted i was absolutely fucking hammered at the time. and that time was 6:30am...
